[The official IRC channel of OpenGameArt.org ( http://opengameart.org )] [15:07] == ___Alexandre [i=bd3eab2d@gateway/web/freenode/x-enaedwualvycsemj] has joined #opengameart [15:07] Greets :) [15:07] <___Alexandre> hi! [15:07] ... [15:07] Legend1, tell him also to post their project on FGD [15:07] that was quick [15:07] hi ___Alexandre :D [15:08] == ceninan [n=niwa@c-ea3be255.1119-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] [15:08] == realname : niwa [15:08] == channels : #concatenative #gobolinux #opengameart [15:08] == server : irc.freenode.net [http://freenode.net/] [15:08] == : is identified to services [15:08] == : is signed on as account Niwa [15:08] == End of WHOIS [15:08] Legend1, btw, once everything's clear, post an announcement on FGD as well :) [15:08] tidbit, shadeless? [15:09] yup. [15:09] you do know 2d art is shaded I hope :P [15:09] I know, but for people to self shade ;) [15:09] ___Alexandre: So, we'd like to assist you with your game. [15:09] am playing with settings now ;) [15:09] hehe, ok [15:09] I was just playing your demo and it feels very solid, which is excellent. [15:10] <___Alexandre> That's great news. are you bart? [15:10] Yep [15:10] yup, that [15:10] that's me :) [15:10] The gameplay is perfectly mimiced :) [15:10] <___Alexandre> thank you :) [15:11] what we're going to need from you is a list of art (and audio) resources that you'll need for your next milestone. [15:11] we'll also need to talk about style and such, because we want to make sure the art in your game is stylistically consistent. [15:12] <___Alexandre> before we talk about that, how many people are involved? [15:12] <___Alexandre> 1, 2...? [15:12] Can I get an "Aye" from those who are willing to contribute? :) [15:13] I'm in, for the record. [15:13] * Legend1 pokes the channel. This is where you all jump in and say something like "You have my sword!" "And my axe!" [15:13] Sonic style art isn't something I've done before, so I'm probably out [15:13] unless you need some 3D stuff [15:14] <___Alexandre> Sure. Basically we need people who can work on: 1. sprites/characters (enemies, items, etc) and 2. backgrounds (level art) [15:14] well, that's one thing we wanted to ask, actually. [15:14] Would 3d rendered sprites work for you? [15:14] <___Alexandre> pfunked: currently we don't need 3D, but thank you for asking [15:14] I can make a gold ring spin like a pro, though [15:14] heh [15:15] 3D rendered sprites are always welcome - if they fit into the style, that is [15:15] :P [15:15] <___Alexandre> I'm not sure if 3d rendered sprites fit on the style, but we can do a small test drive. [15:15] It's nice to have main characters as 3D anyway, so you can pose them for animation reference and draw them in traditional 2d [15:15] http://i47.tinypic.com/28re138.jpg crappy tree test :P [15:16] <___Alexandre> however, we prefer pixel art... or something that just fits on the sonic style [15:16] and ___Alexandre, you/we can easily make 3d have a 2d feel :) [15:17] <___Alexandre> a few months ago, we discussed some art styles on the open sonic community... let me get the link. [15:17] such as: pixel art textures or no textures at all, and then someone paints over it [15:17] What this is telling me is that we may need to split our efforts between multiple projects in order to make sure all of our talents are utilized. [15:17] brb [15:18] sorta like rotoscope. it's tough though; it's hard to beat a great hand-animated pixel art cycle [15:18] but easier I'd guess :) [15:19] the sonic games have such great pixel art; just glance at dA where tons of people have sonic sprite sheet mods [15:19] render the object whit, with shading, then paint a texture over it, then "burn" it on [15:19] <___Alexandre> http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=56 - there are some screenshots on the topic. Those were taken from some classic/old sonic games [15:19] Legend1 i'm in [15:20] ___Alexandre, I'd assume that there should/will be a change of quality though [15:20] well if someone does a strong character concept and you need it modeled and rigged in 3D, I can help. Platform sidescrollers are my second favorite game genre [15:20] High res pixel art is... hard :P [15:21] pfunked, first? dungeon crawlers? [15:21] well [15:22] ceninan: I guess "fantasy rpg" in general [15:22] you have my... not-so-leet Haskell/Factor skills? [15:22] so yeah [15:22] pfunked, ok :) [15:22] ___Alexandre: Have you considered the possibility of using vector art? [15:23] <___Alexandre> we want a graphic style similar to classic/old games. (sega genesis, 32x... and snes; although sonic doesn't exist for snes, many snes games have nice graphics) [15:23] <___Alexandre> vector art is a possibility if it fits on the style [15:23] ,seen Blarumyrran [15:23] Blarumyrran was last seen in #opengameart 3 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: It's pretty weird without previews [15:24] Do you have any existing open art that does fit the style? [15:24] Vector art can be good if done well. I'm going to toot my own horn for a second: http://lendrick.deviantart.com/art/Mog-from-the-FF3-cover-142945742 [15:24] or are you only using sonic sprites at the moment? [15:24] <___Alexandre> very few sprites in opensonic art original (and fit the style). The yellow/red spring sprites are an example. Let me find the link... [15:25] what might be simplest for starters is if you provided a tileset that we could replace tiles in. [15:25] <___Alexandre> here it is: http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=43 [15:25] before I got into 3D modeling I used to do pixel art for my game projects. It's just been a while, almost ten years [15:26] <___Alexandre> Celdecea, a member of community, created an entire desert level with original graphics. They are pretty nice: http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=45 [15:26] those spring pads are neat. Do you prefer graphics like that, with "magic pink" as the transparent color (as opposed to an 8-bit alpha layer) [15:27] <___Alexandre> yes. Allegro (the library used by the game) considers the magic pink as transparent by default [15:28] can it handle alpha? [15:28] ___Alexandre magic pink that brings back memorys [15:28] <___Alexandre> no [15:29] I've worked in Allegro before. Was fun times. [15:29] <___Alexandre> there's no complete alpha channel support [15:30] for pixel art, the magic pink and 256-color palette is fine [15:31] bbl, making dinner [15:31] it is fine for raster art yes but if you wanted vector graphics alpha is almost a must [15:31] yeah [15:32] Pixel it is, in that case. [15:32] yay. less work for me :3 [15:33] could we, for instance, replace the tiles that you use in the demo? [15:35] <___Alexandre> certainly. All you have to do is replace the art on the images/ folder. [15:35] <___Alexandre> If you want to create new blocks or even create a new level, there are some tutorials on our website [15:35] <___Alexandre> Please take a look: http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=8 [15:36] <___Alexandre> currently, there are 4 tutorials related to building levels. Part II shows how to create your own blocks/bricks and use them to make a new level [15:38] Legend1 how do we want to work with our parnters on this project [15:38] partners [15:39] Well, we can talk to rejon and see what he thinks. [15:39] ___Alexandre do you have your new characters developed yet [15:42] <___Alexandre> verbalshadow, other than the demo, we have a story & plans page, but it's not complete yet: http://opensnc.sourceforge.net/blog/?page_id=29 [15:43] <___Alexandre> The characters section of that page needs to be worked out, but a few levels are defined (eg, sunshine paradise and soda pop zone) [15:47] Okay. So, can you do me a favor and compose a list of things we could work on right now? [15:47] i think knuckles should be replaced with a spider( or maybe a squiriuel), sonic with a lizard, and tails i don't know yet [15:47] Try to look at it from the position of someone who's wandering by the site and thinking, "hmm, I'd like to help with a project". A typical person will want something specific to work on. [15:49] squirrel* ? [15:50] basically, minimize the effort required to figure out what's needed, and things will happen quicker. :) [15:50] <___Alexandre> I understand, but I need to know the person/people interested in joining the team... or, I'm not sure if I got it, but how do you work exactly? The entire community? Two people? [15:50] Well, we have diverse talents, so depending on the game in question, more or less people might be able to help. [15:50] We would also encourage people on the forums to assist as well. [15:50] well, I for one don't join teams, I only help out, if needed [15:51] so it's not just the people in here. [15:51] Furthermore, we've been known to commission art from time to time. [15:52] <___Alexandre> I don't know much about art, but do you think if many people work on the same project, we'll have a consistent art style? [15:52] If we're careful and lay down some ground rules. [15:53] 1) tidbit must stay away [15:53] For instance, if I were going to replace a tile set, the first thing I would do would be pick out a color palette. [15:53] and also make some stylistic rules (where the light source is coming from, etc) [15:55] if you lay down certain ground rules, and also have a "gatekeeper", so to speak, you can get a bit more consistency. [15:55] <___Alexandre> I see. So, you're proposing that the "entire" community (anyone who is interested) work on the game? Not just a few people would make the art, but a diverse and wide-spread community. Did I understand correctly so far? [15:55] * Legend1 nods. [15:56] Well, the entire community who have talents in that area. [15:57] Also, looking at the tile sheets for the island and ocean [15:57] things doesn't seem to be laid out in a particular way [15:58] it's hard for me to tell where I can paint. [15:58] <___Alexandre> ok, I see. In this case, I believe there must be a person who can manage the work, so it stays organized and everyone can work towards a common goal [15:58] * Legend1 nods [15:58] <___Alexandre> someone responsible for the art [15:58] yup [16:01] <___Alexandre> great. :) in this case, let's start by something small. Let's create a small level (only a few bricks) that fit in the style of the game. This wouldn't be included on the final game, but it would be useful for us to work together, maybe adjust a few things and learn together [16:02] People might be more interested in helping if the know the work will become part of the game. Can I propose, say, a subset of a tileset that doesn't already exist yet? [16:03] theme: sky [16:04] that is, start small and establish a usable style, then add to it? [16:04] with the caveat that if you don't like what you get, you can toss it, and no harm done. [16:06] <___Alexandre> Yes, but for this first effort, I'd like to know how the team works, and how we can work together in order to make this level. I don't know if everyone is familiar with the mechanics of the engine, so we must teach and learn things to/from each other in order to be able to make new levels [16:06] http://imagebin.org/79015 replace sonic with him :D [16:06] <___Alexandre> ooh, this is so ugly! xD lol [16:07] the adventures of Strawberry [16:07] ___Alexandre: that's fair. Anyway, I need to go meet someone for lunch [16:08] <___Alexandre> ok: [16:08] ___Alexandre: in the meantime, can you maybe write some brief specifications? Basically, what tiles you'd like, and everything an artist would need to know to work on said tiles [16:08] If it's all explained in various places on your forum, try and round that info up in one spot. [16:08] <___Alexandre> ok. One last question: [16:09] things like color palette limits, how sloped tiles work, etc, are important. [16:09] ? [16:09] <___Alexandre> will there exist a topic/area on the OGA forums that will contain the art work? sprites, backgrounds, discussions, etc. ? [16:11] A thread on the Art Requests forum would be a good start. [16:12] And if we're going to make this an official OGA undertaking, I'll make sure something about it stays on the front page, maybe in a block somewhere. [16:12] anyway, I need to jet for now [16:13] <___Alexandre> ok, I'll write some specifications. Don't know if it will be exactly what you people will need, but we can discuss and improve the proccess. [16:14] * Legend1 nods [16:14] we can bounce things back and forth until it's ready [16:14] <___Alexandre> ok [16:14] <___Alexandre> see ya :) [16:14] peace :)